Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Our little secret!

Saturday, August 27, 2011
There's a secret brewing
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
I ran the 5k (longer actually) -on a blistering hot day. My sister-in-law, and I did it! I stopped 2 times for 20 seconds, but that was it.
I found little goals to try to reach, and at the very end, I saw some guy who was struggling like me, and said, "man, it's hot." It gave us both that little extra push. And, we finished. I met my husband and daughter at the finishline. It was so rewarding, and a great motivation.
In other news, we went ballroom dancing! Foxtrot and swing-- here we come!
Loved it!
Making My Way to New Goals:
I deactivated my facebook account. This probably isn’t forever. It is amazing how I spend little bleeps during the day looking at all of my friends’ lives, yet I would not say I’m obsessed with the good ol’ FB. However, I would say that I’m on hiatus. I’ve enjoyed the last week not being on facebook and using a bit of self-control to not visiting the site. I am putting an emphasis on my daily life, and using that time to simplify my life.
It’s been several weeks since I deactivated, and I love it. One thing to note, however, is I’ve been looking at jobs- and quite a few ask for the proficiency in social networking sites…. I won’t be applying to those.
I still love that I’m not looking at everybody or wondering what that family is doing. It’s a nice, nice change of pace.
Also, I am running a 5k in 10 days. I ran 2.4 miles yesterday, so .7 miles to go!! Look at that! I’m so happy about it. I feel fit, and I’m still working on the baby weight- at a healthy rate. But, how awesome is it that I can run 3.1 miles 5 months after giving birth!?!? And, also breastfeeding! I’m kicking butt and taking names.
Running the 5K Sunday! In 2 days! I’m so pumped! I can do this if it’s not 100 degrees outside. I’m feeling so great. I’m so thankful for good health, and I’m getting this baby weight off! Run, baby, run! I just can’t wait to have it over and see my sweet husband and my baby at the end of the race. It’ll be so memorable.
We’re well! No sickness at our house anymore! It’s great. We’re all up for fun- and we’re just trying to get through summer! Summer is not my favorite time in St. Louis or Memphis, but it was in Wyoming. It’s hot!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Why haven't I been blogging?
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Gaper Day!
In the skiing world, this day is infamous. Everybody, even experienced skiers, dresses up in brightly mismatched clothing and bids the mountain hello. Today is not my gaper day.
I’m back at work, and I’ve already learned a lot.
1. Working moms are awesome. I give my sweet momma props…she worked everyday of her God-given life. And, I never fully appreciated her because I hadn’t experienced motherhood. It’s an amazing thing watching your baby grow… and soon my little girl will be grown (even though I don’t want to think about that). That’s probably exactly what my mom thinks now.
I think of my mother and smile. She’s been so tough her whole life. And she’s picked up the pieces more than once, and kept moving along. What a strong woman! I wrote my mom a note when I first found out I was pregnant, and I got to write to her how much I didn’t realize and what she had done for me.
2.Working moms who breastfeed and work simultaneously should win an award. I decided that I was going to commit and do my best to continue breastfeeding. It is NOT easy. I would like to keep going for six months, and then introduce solid foods. (I’ll be making all my own baby food, and attempting to keep it free of the bad stuff.) I never thought of myself as very organized, but I have arrived. I made a super delicious, healthy, whole grain lunch packed with nutrients and not contained in plastic.
I made a whole grain fusilli pasta with olive oil, roasted grape tomatoes, garlic and sage, onion, and white wine soaked grapes. I had fruit: packed with flavor and juice. I have some healthy veggies (cucumbers and grape tomatoes), and some dried date, which are nutty, like a Christmas cookie. It feels so good to be healthy and not huge!
Needless to say, Here’s to day 1 of the trek to 6 months of breastfeeding. Also, I’ve supplemented 1 bottle a day of formula- organic formula… the kind that has NO bad stuff. No toxic fluorides, no additives, just good plain goodness of dairy milk. It gives me a little break, and Ryan is learning about the bottle.
3. Advice my mom gave me to prepare for this morning: “Don’t be a wreck for Ryan. She’ll know some thing is wrong, and you have to be strong for her.” So, we woke up at 5:45am. I gave myself plenty of time to prepare and get dressed. I made my breakfast and lunch yesterday. I packed Ryan’s bag for the babysitter yesterday. I even made a little treat for the babysitter. Lemon squares wrapped in a brightly colored handmade box. We got bottles filled and ready. It was an amazingly smooth transition. I was even all put-together looking pretty good. So, I fed Ryan this morning twice. I pumped. Showered. And cried… while she took one of her catnaps. Adam and I walked her over to the sitters, and she was the happiest baby. It made me proud. I’m sure glad I started work on a Friday… it makes the first day an easy obstacle to overcome.
I sure do love my family… everyone has been so supportive of this impending doom. Luckily it wasn’t bad at all. I was surrounded by love and happiness all day. Ryan got baby gifts and happies, and I got to talk about her most of the day. Family, Adam’s and my own, called and checked on me, and it surely was sweet. It was hard, but it could have been even harder. (Plus, I pumped at work for my sweet little girl.)
Keep it up, moms! You can do it if you commit.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Vintage, Baby

Monday, March 21, 2011
Relatives and Immediate Family
Sunday, February 20, 2011
List of Things
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Life as I knew it.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Valentine's Day 2011
1 cup white or brown sugar
3 tablespoons sifted good quality cocoa
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt, optional
5 tablespoons canola oil
1 tablespoon white vinegar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup cold water
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In a bowl, combine flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda, and salt; mix well. Make three deep holes in the dry mixture. Into one hole, po
2. Pour the water into the bowl, over all. Mix the wet and dry ingredients together until there aren't any more lumps and pour into an ungreased 9x9 baking pan, 2 inches deep.
3. Bake for about 30 minutes, test with a fork.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Winter Wonderland
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
2 weeks ago
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
A little girl!
Ryan Elizabeth Lenz was born January 27, 2011 at 12:01 p.m. She weighed 6 pounds 11 ounces and measured 20" long. She changed my life.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Monday, Monday
Saturday, January 22, 2011
40 weeks
Saturday, January 15, 2011
A Day in the Life
Friday, January 7, 2011
37 weeks 6 days
It's been several weeks since I have written. Our computer has a little charging problem, so I'm having to use it sparingly.
But, here's an update:
Last week at 36 weeks, I was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. All my labs came back excellent except my iron. I have low iron, and it's making me tired! Also, we're small for gestation age, but I'm not worried since I've gained 48 pounds. Yes, 48. That does not make me happy, but we'll lose it.
Week 37: No change. BLAH! I'm so ready. Feeling like crap most of the time is not fun. And, I've developed a few small stretch marks. Ugh. I am ready to meet my baby, but he/she isn't ready to meet me or his/her papa.
We did have a sweet surprise couple's shower hosted by my sisters in law and mother in law... and my mom and sister were there! We recieved some cute, cute items. And, we're more prepared than ever.
I will try to post a picture of our baby area. It's rather darling, AND gender neutral! Yippee for not knowing the sex! We did, however, do the ring test. It said boy..... I guess we'll see if it was correct.
Wish me luck these next 2 weeks. I feel like I might not make it.