May 17, 2013
With the suggestion of my sister-in-law, I sought out a MOPS, Mothers of PreSchoolers, group here in Rapid City. I met 7 other lovely women with children, and we chatted, had a breakfast, and did a craft. Ryan needed some appropriate child-age interaction, and this was a wonderful positive way to do so. Ryan was well-behaved, kind and polite. Later, I saw that she made a friend. is a resource that I had never heard of, but I immediately felt included as this was a small, relaxed group. These women had similar interests as I did-- camping, cooking, hiking, and helping others.
It was a nice change of pace- a needed break from hiking! I'm sore! It feels good though to be on the road to better fitness. With healthy cooking and a healthy, more active lifestyle, I'm destine to feel better! My attitude is already improved.
Speaking of attitude:
Long story short, a old room mate of mine from my lifetime in Jackson Hole made an introduction of one of her friends to me. By acquaintance, we became facebook friends, and periodically saw each other during my time in Wyoming. Her name is Jessica Zelenko.
Since I have left Jackson, Jessica started a blog called I've been reading her posts for years now, and I am a fan. I think she's real. She's a down to earth, gritty writer. She's made some changes overall on her focus, but I love that she's inspiring to women, and she puts it all out there to read online. She's now making a living as a life coach. She's self made, and I love that. I aspire to do that... be it more to the writing tune.
The best thing she talks about is how to change a bad attitude. 'Cause, hey, we all have bad attitudes sometimes. I'm guilty.
Since I have been reading her blog, she's always been in the back of my mind... I notice that she doesn't ever compete with others, but with herself, and I strive for the same. I would only hope to beat my worse self at a game of tennis... or finally beat the return wall instead of the wall beating me. I'm always pushing myself to be more outdoorsy and to be live in the moment. On a side note, I have to say my time in Jackson Hole was incredible, but I didn't do as much as I should have in the time that I was there. I should have hiked more, skied more, seen more. And, I don't regret what I did, but now, I miss it. I want to live it again. And, here's my opportunity! Except, I get to do it here in South Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana.
This is the time that I get to really experience the outdoors with a new outlook and new goals. I get to be there in Wyoming again. And, I will hike more, camp more, Wyoming more. I will! And, I will do it with my whole family.
It's funny when you don't have a full time job the amount of things you can think about. I get to do that now. I get to focus on me and my family. I get to focus on writing and the things I'm most passionate. It's like a curtain has opened. I have no writing block- no problems getting through words. I'm not stressed. I'm happy.
I'm also writing an article for a magazine, currently. It's focus is "I used to be... and Now I'm..." . I have a pretty good idea of how its going to go. I hope that it will be published. That would be an amazing thing.
So, here's my new goal: I want to start focusing on a purpose in my writing on this blog. I can include cooking and parenting; however, I want it to be adventure style parenting/travel blog. Does that sound like an oxymoron? Don't be afraid to take your children everywhere. Don't be afraid of germs... they're everywhere anyway. Go outside! Travel! Make the best of where you are, no matter where you are. Turn off your cellphones and computers... yes... even I need to do that sometimes too. And, play with your children, don't just be with them.
Women are going to be my primary audience because I am one (yes!), and I want to speak to women to inspire them. It's already hard to do some of the things we have to do, and empowering, uplifting, and helping women feel better about themselves and others will have a far-reaching significance. I know that hearing about other womens/people's struggles makes me want things more and try harder.
Here's to a new focus---a new style of writing too! Wish me luck!
It was fabulous to meet you at our MOPS group. I found your blog today and I've enjoyed several of your posts already. :)
I am excited to see what you have to write about. :) I dream about the day that I win the lottery and don't have to worry about working... oh my blog would be SO much more interesting... lol
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