It's been quite a while since I've written and I have quite a few memos to make today. The last time I wrote was 10 days ago. And, while that isn't an incredibly long period of time- life has changed.
In Tennessee, I found out I was pregnant. Adam was in Texarkana, and I away from him with my sweet daughter and family. I knew it. I could feel it. It's an amazing change that happens when all of a sudden you feel this life in your body. It's got wonderful good parts, and hard challenging spots too. Either way, a new baby, a new life, a human is growing inside of me. I love it already. The only thing I don't love is my stomach. My stomach constantly hurts or is uncomfortable. I'm hungry but somewhat uninterested in food. It's a crazy thing. This pregnancy is going to be different from my last. And, I'm going to keep it that way. No sickness... no vomiting...just getting better everyday. Dear, God, Please relieve my pain and give my body strength to do this. Amen.
It's hard to be away from the person you love and hold on to such a big important secret. I couldn't. I figured out a cute way to fill Adam in on the phone. I had Ryan tell him that "She's going to be a big sister." It went right over his head, but I tried. So, he was elated. thrilled. so happy. Our plan was to get pregnant this year, so we met that goal in a hurry. We're having another baby!
So, we played with family and friends in Tennessee. Ryan and I went to the zoo with a sweet Christian woman that I went to high school with. She's lovely, and Ryan and her girl played well together. It was a hot summer afternoon good for picnicking and seeing animals. All of us girls laughed and played and made it a memorable afternoon. I pray that we can keep our friendship up whenever we're in each others city. I think it will be wonderful to watch our children grow together and talk about all things related to our life that is good--- we shared the fact that we love being happy and working for the betterment of our families. I loved it.
We also spent time with my sister--- and Ryan loves her auntie! They grew close and I'm glad we had the time to spend together. It's special and I'll never forget it.
Ryan and I found a ride to Searcy to see my sister in law and her children. We spent a couple of nights there and explored that part of Arkansas. She and I were pregnant together the first go round and her baby was born first.... CKM. They are about 8 weeks apart. She and Ryan had a blast playing and laughing. We sang songs and the baby girl (ZAM) and I spent sometime giggling and watching each other. Amongst all the family time, I wanted to fully dedicate myself to that, and I did. It's wonderful that we spent so much time with family when we have the opportunity. And, I know Ryan loved playing with someone other than me!
And, we caught a ride with my other sister-in-law to TEXARKANA! And, we got to finally reunite with my husband. And, I missed him! For a family outing we saw Monsters University in 3D, and we enjoyed it. It's a nice thing to miss and be missed!
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