We've been here two full days, and today is the first time I've ventured out and about. We didn't hike though, but, it's on my list for this afternoon or evening if I can swing it.
We've had a bit of housekeeping today since we arrived. I forgot to pay a bill at home before we left, so I did that. I had to wash clothes again- at a laundromat. And, it was awesome compared to Rapid City. It was called Rainbow, and it was a laundromat/tanning salon. We had wifi and the staff was really attentive and kind.
Adam's been working lots of hours, but last night, we helped him. It was pretty fun! One of the best things was a dance party in the hallway of a vacant hotel to Neon Trees song "Everybody Talks." Which I happen to love. It's pretty happy- got some good beats and lyrics. Ryan loved it. Mom and Dad bouncing around dancing-- being free and happy. It was a moment.
My job was to put hardware on doors i.e. hinges. So I used my powertool knowledge and we got to work. I'm pretty sure we made a lot of progress, and that helps us. Adam and I make a pretty good team, and tonight, we might help him with a few other small jobs. I'm his help partner, and I want to be active in this decision we made. I am Ryan's mom, the cook, the organizer, and the planner. I try to be supportive and thankful for a sweet husband that wants to work and provide. So, eventhough we were working last evening until about 8:45, we still made time for fun. And fun is what keeps you going through really tedious tasks.
Today Ryan and I slept in... which never happens. I guess we stayed up too late last night after our work. We had breakfast and then we made a plan of the other tasks that we have to take care of before our trip south. We did find out that the western author Louis L'amour was born here. We also went to the frontier village (which was cool) and saw the largest Bison structure in the world. And we went to the National Buffalo Museum where we also an albino bison that's considered sacred called White Cloud.
Next, We're headed to TX-- but I may get to stop in and say hello to good ol' Tennessee. I sure hope so. It's still in the works right now, but I hope that I do.
Otherwise, we'll still be on the road tomorrow. We'll be camping all the way down. I probably won't get to post much but I need a break from technology already.
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