Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Luxury Life

I call it luxury because I have tan. I get to rest and cook as I please. We are having fun just playing. My sister and I have been bonding and working on other projects that I will share later. Today my sister and I made a day of a swimming outing. She had Vacation Bible School and I made a picnic lunch to go. We had fruit, BBQ chicken and bisuits, chips and drinks. It reminded me of growing up and being at the pool with other kids who spent all day there. We didn't do that since my mom worked full time though. But,today, I got to be the cool mom with food and snacks. It may not happen often since I'll got back to work but for one day I was! We also used the invention of floaties too and my little girl is a swimmer! She's seemingly been pretty acclimated to the pool since we were members of Maplewood pool last summer. My little family and I would ride almost dailyto the pool on the bike and swim. We have a nice wave area and big slides. It was a memorable summer of 108 degree weather. And the bike ride was work- the reward was the pool. And then, we would ride home. What I love though, and miss now while write about it, is biking through downtown Maplewood. Cute little shops and restaurants, people watching, and the feel of a small town. I recommend driving through it and sampling Schafly's Brewery and Foundation Grounds for coffee. Other stores that I love included on the strip are Vom Fass, Penzey's Spices, and Cacao Chocolate. It's a lovely area. Back to my point, it is a luxury to have things available like pools and specialty shops. It's a luxury to play with my child. And I'm soaking it up. We are playing in swings, riding see-saws, sliding slides, and swimming- passing away the dog days of summer. It's such an life to be able to have this chance to live the luxury life. We are headed to the Somerville Sqaure for music in the park- and the band members are fellas I grew up with in elementary school. And since I love live music, I'm in. I'm going to enjoy this night.

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